Planting and Caring for Your Bulb
If needed, trim any damaged roots before soaking the bulb overnight. Place the bulb in a drinking glass so that only the roots are submerged in lukewarm water. The bulb should rest on the rim of the glass with its roots in the water.
Planting the Bulb
Plant the bulb in a sturdy pot, leaving about 2-3 cm between the bulb and the edge of the pot. Only half of the bulb should be above the soil. Use regular potting soil. Water thoroughly and place the pot in a room at normal temperature.
Watering and Growth
Do not water the bulb again until it has started growing. Once the leaves reach around 5 cm in height, water sparingly—about one shot glass of water per week. Overwatering can cause the stem to grow too tall and spindly. Increase watering slightly once the flower bud appears, but always allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings.
Controlling Growth
You can control the growth rate by placing the bulb in a cooler spot at night if the stem grows too long and weak. As the flower begins to bloom, you can increase watering slightly to give the bulb extra strength. Keep in mind that some special varieties, such as those with fringed or orchid-like flowers, may take longer to bloom. It's lovely to have blooms last beyond Christmas as well!